According to the "Capitol Hill" report on June 26, local time, after the U.S. Supreme Court voted to overturn the "Roe v. Wade case", states began to formulate or implement relevant internal state policies based on this ruling.

A total of 22 states across the U.S. will ban or restrict abortion, while another 16 states and Washington, D.C., have laws protecting abortion rights, according to an analysis by the Guttmacher Institute.

  South Dakota Governor and Republican Kristi Noem said in an interview with the media on the 26th that South Dakota will prosecute doctors who perform illegal abortions and is preparing a bill to prohibit pregnant women from making remote appointments with hospitals to Prevent them from receiving prescription abortion pills by courier.

  Conservative-controlled states like Georgia and Arkansas are also enacting stricter policies and regulations to restrict abortion.

In addition, some states where Democrats and Republicans have equal power are deeply divided over abortion rights.

(CCTV reporter Xu Dezhi)