The IMF = International Monetary Fund has revised its economic growth outlook for the United States down to 2.9%, 0.8 points lower than previously expected.

The central bank is accelerating monetary tightening to curb inflation, which slows economic activity.

The IMF released its latest outlook for the US economy on the 24th, lowering its growth rate to 2.9%, 0.8 points below its April forecast.

In addition to the effects of soaring energy prices, the Fed's central bank, the Federal Reserve Board, is accelerating monetary tightening such as sharp rate hikes to curb inflation, resulting in demand for personal consumption and corporate activities. It is said that it is because it is dull.

The IMF's managing director, Georgiewa, said at a news conference about the possibility of a recession in the United States, "the roads that can be avoided are narrowing. If there is further shock, the situation will be severe." rice field.

Inflation cannot be suppressed if monetary tightening is inadequate, but there is also the risk that the economy will be overcooled if it is tightened excessively, and it is difficult to find a balance.