Interest in electric boats is growing internationally and several Swedish companies are far ahead in the development.

The Swedish company Candela has refined an old technology to reduce electricity consumption.

With the help of so-called support planes, "wings" that sit under the hull, the boat can at 16 knots "lift" from the surface with only the small support planes as contact with the water.

- To make a good electric boat, you have to reduce the friction.

As soon as we start hovering, we can drive long and fast on electricity, says Mikael Mahlberg.

There is an electric car battery in the boat, but you do not want to tell which manufacturer.

With that, you get about 50 nautical miles on a charge, according to the company.

But the challenges are many.

In addition to a boat drawing a lot of electricity because the friction in the water is so great, it is expected to take some time before any really developed system of charging posts is available in Swedish ports, so far you have to rely on electrical outlets on various piers.

And the price for the electric boats is high.

For Candelas boat, you have to cough up almost SEK 3 million, which makes the buying group relatively small.

- In the beginning, it was almost exclusively Tesla owners and people who started a company in Silicon Valley, says Mikael Mahlberg.

Join a test ride in the "floating" electric boat in the video above.

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See the expert sort out questions about electric boats, the environment and the future in the video Photo: SVT / Terje Pedersen / Tomas Oneborg