David Montagné, edited by Alexis Rey-Millet 2:12 p.m., June 24, 2022, modified at 2:13 p.m., June 24, 2022

As the Solidays music festival approaches, a mixture of impatience, but also concern about the injections affair.

A phenomenon as alarming as it is mysterious: these stings which have multiplied in the world of the night since the beginning of the year, with 1,004 complaints filed between January 1 and June 17, according to the Ministry of the Interior.

In nightclubs, during concerts, but also during the Music Festival, where several cases have been reported in Arras and in the Hauts-de-Seine.

Only eight people arrested to date, half of whom have since been released for lack of evidence.

A case that struggles to move forward

There are two potential reasons for the lack of prosecution in the stings case.

First, the fact that the murder weapons, the syringes, are rarely found.

Secondly, no trace of dangerous products is detected in the blood of the victims.

No trace of GHB, known as "the date rape drug". 

The bites are nevertheless beautiful and very present, as evidenced by the blue traces which appear on the body, and in particular the arms, of the victims.

The investigators then wonder about the motive for these bites.

An executive of the national police would have blown a hypothesis according to which malicious people would have fun scaring, hurting, or quite simply creating psychosis.

Other victims, however, recount having suffered from vomiting, dizziness, and even loss of consciousness.

In this specific case, analyzes are urgently ordered to identify the type of molecule injected.

If no harmful substance is detected, doctors explain these discomforts by an anguish caused by the bite itself.

One thing is certain: emergencies are increasingly crowded with bite victims, exposing the hospital to a risk of saturation, warn health professionals.