What's next?

Complete impunity for abortion?

Surrogate motherhood as a standard case of a claim to the fulfillment of a wish to have children?

The scrapping of the abortion advertising ban may just be the beginning.

There is no deficit here for women who want to have an abortion: Factual information is already permitted under current law - and anyone can find it.

But there is much more at stake.

Here a supposed desire for freedom is revealed, which is ultimately merciless.

It's about life, but not just about one.

The current compromise regulation creates space for consultation and pause if you take it seriously.

It's not about a kind of standard medical intervention, as the traffic light in the coalition agreement tries to present the pregnancy intervention.

The otherwise so philanthropic SPD, Greens and FDP are here on an ideological forced trip.

Everyone in need needs help.

But ending lives must never be a state-sponsored routine.

Not for the old and not for the young.

Incidentally, unrestrained (pseudo-)liberalism does not go well with current and future crises, to which the turning point parties are trying to swear us.

Community, standing together and solidarity starts with the very small things.