The "Liberal Modern Center" calls on the Bundestag and the federal government to fulfill their duty to protect and "to do everything in our power to strengthen Ukraine's self-defense, including the continuous supply of heavy weapons, and to stop the Russian war of annihilation". .

Michael Hanfeld

responsible editor for feuilleton online and "media".

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The Federal Government and the Bundestag are required to “support the preservation of evidence and the punishment of the violent acts committed by Russia, both personally and financially.

Those responsible for aggressive war and genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity must be held accountable."

"A nail in the coffin for international law"

In view of the "unrestrained violence of the Russian occupying power", "any speculation about a 'territorial compromise' that would allow Russia to rule the conquered areas" is out of the question.

This would be "a nail in the coffin for international law and the European security order if a violent border shift as a result of a war of aggression and massive war crimes were de facto accepted," the appeal says.

It was signed by former Green Party politicians Marieluise Beck, Volker Beck and Ralf Fücks, Timothy Garton Ash, Jan Claas Behrends, Wolfgang Eichwede, Remko Leemhuis, Otto Luchterhand, Georg Milbradt, Anne Rubesame, Irina Scherbakowa, Karl Schlögel, Martin Schulze Wessel, Timothy Snyder and Christian Tomuschat.

The signatories state in their appeal that we are "confronted with a war of annihilation in the heart of Europe that has all the hallmarks of genocide."

Article II of the United Nations Genocide Convention defines genocide as “acts committed with intent to destroy, as such, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group”.

The convention obliges the international community to take preventive action in order to avert the danger of genocide and to protect the threatened civilian population.

A legal study by the Wallenberg Center for Human Rights and the New Lines Institute for Strategy & Policy shows meticulously that "Russian warfare bears the central characteristics of an intended genocide": "Threats of annihilation and systematic incitement to acts of violence against the Ukrainian civilian population", " Negation of an independent national identity of Ukraine", dehumanization, mass killings, targeted attacks on shelters, bombing of residential areas, destruction of civilian infrastructure, cutting off of humanitarian corridors, attacks on food supplies, multiple rapes with impunity, kidnapping of more than a million Ukraine, including around 200,000 children, ban on Ukrainian culture and language.In view of these assured facts of the war of annihilation that the Russian army is waging against Ukraine, the Bundestag and the Federal Government would have to live up to their "Responsibility to Protect".