Former Vice President Mike Pence could be subpoenaed to appear before the Capitol Assault Inquiry Committee, one of its members, elected Democrat Adam Schiff, said on Sunday before new public hearings scheduled for the next week.

Thursday, this parliamentary committee had detailed, during a hearing broadcast live on television, the numerous pressures exerted by former President Donald Trump on his Vice President Mike Pence to try to prevent him from certifying the victory of Joe Biden in the presidential election, January 6, 2021.

"There are still some key people that we haven't interviewed yet, and that we would like to interview," Adam Schiff told CNN on Sunday.

Asked about the possibility of a Mike Pence subpoena, he said: "It's definitely a possibility."

“We are not excluding anything or anyone at this time”, he added, while specifying that we cannot “disclose what private conversations (supported) are or are not taking place concerning certain individuals”.

“He was a hero to resist all the pressure campaigns”

On January 6, the procedure for certification of the results of the presidential election before Congress was in principle only to be a mere formality.

But President Trump had tried to force his right arm to block the process.

Mike Pence had finally published a letter in which he claimed not to have the powers.

At the same time, pro-Trump protesters began to crowd around Congress.

"That day, he was a hero to resist all the pressure campaigns," judged Sunday on NBC Jamie Raskin, elected Democrat of the House of Representatives and member of the commission of inquiry.

The next public hearings of this commission are to take place on Tuesday and Thursday in the middle of the day.

On Tuesday, this new session will focus in particular on the pressure exerted on local elected officials in certain states, notably in Georgia, during the counting of votes.

Nearly 6 in 10 Americans (58%) think Donald Trump should be prosecuted for his role in the Jan. 6 attack, according to an ABC News/Ipsos poll released Sunday.

This figure is up from the 52% of Americans declaring it in April, before the start of the hearings of the commission of inquiry.

But only 9% of Americans say they follow these hearings closely, according to the same poll.


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  • Mike Pence