Europe 1 with AFP 10:07 p.m., June 19, 2022

The president of the Republicans, Christian Jacob, assured that his party would remain "in the opposition" after this second round of the legislative elections.

A little earlier in the evening, the LR mayor of Meaux, Jean-François Copé, had called for a "government pact" with Emmanuel Macron. 

What are the Republicans going to do after these legislative elections which credit them with 65 to 80 deputies?

The president of the Republicans, Christian Jacob, who assured that his party would remain "in the opposition".

"As far as we are concerned, we campaigned in the opposition, we are in the opposition, we will remain in the opposition", hammered the president LR, from the headquarters of the party.

>> Follow the evening of the second round of legislative elections live

A different story from the side of Jean-François Copé.

The former minister called for the formation of a "government pact" with Emmanuel Macron, believing that "it is up to the Republican right to save the country".

“For weeks, I have been repeating that a government pact is vital between Macron and LR in order to fight against the rise of extremes,” said the former minister on twitter. 

>> More information to follow