Sarah, the daughter of President Duterte of the Philippines and vice president of the next administration, held an inauguration ceremony on the 19th, emphasizing the stance of tackling the drug issue as a national issue.

Meanwhile, human rights groups have raised concerns that she may take over the line of her father, who has cracked down on drug crimes.

Sara Duterte, the incumbent mayor of Davao City in the southern Philippines, was elected for the first time in the vice-presidential elections held in conjunction with the presidential election on the 9th of last month with the highest number of votes in history.

Prior to his inauguration on the 30th of this month, Sarah took an oath on the 19th at the inauguration of the Vice President in his hometown of Davao, with his father, President-elect Duterte and President-elect Marcos in attendance.

He then addressed his commitment to tackling the drug problem, stating, "Our children are facing a very complex future. It's the destruction of life that drugs bring."

In the Philippines, while there is an opinion that President Duterte cracked down on drug crimes and had a certain effect on the restoration of public security in the country, the ICC = International Criminal Court said that a strong method that is willing to kill suspects is a violation of human rights. Is investigating Mr. Duterte for crimes against humanity.

For this reason, domestic human rights groups are concerned about President-elect Marcos, who once had a dictatorship, and that Sarah will take over his father's line and influence the ICC's investigation into President Duterte. There are voices of concern.