A few days ago, the Mossos d'Esquadra arrested Xavier P., a councilor not attached to the Sant Pere de Ribes City Council after receiving complaints from several students at the Dolors Mallafrè institute in Vilanova i la Geltrú.

Supposedly the suspect, who is a teacher at this center, would have sexually abused minors, in addition to making obscene comments.

For two years the suspect has been a non-attached councilor in Sant Pere de Ribes after the ERC expelled him from the party, when he was the spokesperson for this formation in this municipality.

The Republicans agreed that Xavier P. should leave after he did not abide by an agreement from his National Executive that urged him to leave the act of councilor for having behaviors contrary to the party's internal Code of Ethics.

The Sant Pere de Ribes City Council expressed "its dismay" at the arrest of an opposition councilor for an alleged crime against sexual freedom and demanded that "absolute respect be maintained both for the presumption of innocence of that person and for the defense of the rights of the people affected by the case and the open judicial process".

"The City Council wants to clarify that the events have no relationship with the municipal political activity of the elected or with the City Council, since the alleged acts would have been committed in the professional field of the accused", they detail from the Consistory that they hope that "the made as soon as possible in the course of the open judicial proceedings".

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  • Mossos d'Esquadra

  • CKD

  • Sexual Freedom Law

  • Ministry of Defence