• Education The Generalitat recruits teachers in schools to monitor those who use Spanish

"There is a lack of more elements and materials that could allow another knowledge of the situation."

With this sentence, the High Inspection of State Education concludes its report to the High Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) on the application of the sentence that obliges the Generalitat to comply with a minimum 25% of Spanish in Catalan classrooms.

The body, which was commissioned by the magistrates to verify compliance with the operative part" of the judicial decision when the 15-day period to execute it expired, considers that its functions are limited "to the request for information and documentation" to the Generalitat and not to know if Spanish is already applied in the school in this proportion.

The director of the High Inspection of Education in Catalonia, Josefa Beltran, explained to the TSJC that the Generalitat sent all the required documentation on compliance with the sentence, which is the same as the TSJC has.

In addition, it points out that "in accordance with the reiterated doctrine of the Constitutional Court", the activities of the High Inspection are not above the Generalitat: "The surveillance power cannot place the Autonomous Communities in a situation of hierarchical dependence with respect to the State Administration, since such a situation is not compatible with the principle of autonomy".

For this reason, the report of the High State Inspectorate is limited to transmitting the documents requested to the Department of Education and that they are "the source of information used to meet the request of that court", for which "there is a lack of more elements and materials that could allow another knowledge of the situation and its comparison with that provided in the sentence".

In this way, the TSJC must determine whether, with the information obtained, the Generalitat was able to commit disobedience by not applying 25% of Spanish in the classrooms and limiting itself to reporting on compliance with a decree law that sets the criteria for preparing and validating the linguistic projects of each center.

This regulation guarantees, according to the Government, that "students achieve oral and written command of Catalan and Spanish at the end of compulsory education."

In addition, the Catalan administration that there is a bill in Parliament that would supposedly comply with the court's order despite the fact that entities in favor of bilingualism are reluctant since it is not recognized that Catalan and Spanish, in equal proportion, as vehicular languages ​​at school, as ruled by the Constitutional Court.

The Assembly for a Bilingual School of Catalonia (AEB) urged the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia to "deduct testimony from individuals before the Civil and Criminal Chamber to demand the criminal responsibility of the Minister of Education, Mr. González-Cambray" for allegedly not complying with the order of 25% Spanish in schools.

The entity considers that there are "indications of disobedience and prevarication" in the actions of the minister.

We speak Spanish and Coexistence Cívica Catalana filed a complaint against Josep Gonzàlez-Cambray for allegedly "disobeying" and not applying the sentence that requires teaching at least 25% of classes in Spanish.

The TSJC ruled that Judge Maria Eugenia Alegret must analyze the complaint and wait for the Prosecutor's report before deciding if she admits it for processing.

The same will happen with Vox's complaint against the minister a few days ago filed with the TSJC for disobedience.

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  • vox

  • constitutional Court

  • Justice