The court upholds the previously granted permit for flood protection on Falsterbonäset.

Friday's ruling, however, tightens the requirements for how high pollution levels the masses that are to be used to build the dike may contain.

The requirement for the municipality to establish a new nature reserve is removed.

The dike will largely be built in areas that have very high natural values.

In order to limit the impact on the environment, the court has tightened the requirements on how high levels of harmful substances are allowed in the masses to be added to the areas.

- With these stricter requirements for the purity of the masses, we assess that the long-term impact on natural values ​​will be insignificant.

There is then no reason to demand that the municipality establish a new nature reserve as compensation for lost natural values, says Court of Appeal Councilor Ralf Järtelius in a press release.

Photo: Vellinge municipality


On 7 May 2020, the Land and Environment Court ruled that Vellinge municipality may build protection against high sea levels.

The decision was appealed by several different parties, including the County Administrative Board.

The County Administrative Board considered that certain sections of the internal protection infringe on nature protection.

Vellinge municipality also appealed the verdict.

The reason was that the municipality was rejected on a couple of points, for example a shorter distance in northern Ljunghusen.

After the spring's main hearing in the Supreme Land and Environmental Court, the court announced on Friday that Velllinge municipality may build the protective dike provided that the dike's impact on the environment is limited.

It is unclear whether the verdict will be appealed

Today's ruling can be appealed to the Supreme Court, but whether the County Administrative Board will do so is still unclear.

- We are very happy that stricter requirements are now set for what the soil material in the dikes should consist of.

On the other hand, we regret that the court has removed the large compensation area (nature reserve), says Maria Nitare, acting head of unit at the County Administrative Board's water unit.

Hear the residents' criticism of the dike:

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Yvonne Lendrop can get a protective wall outside the gate Photo: Johan Dernelius SVT