2021 was the year when men's deadly violence against women ended up on the politicians' agenda.

The government then presented an action program with, among other things, increased penalties, preventive measures and increased support for women's shelters.

At the turn of the year, the package was expanded to 99 points.

- We do not see that these political initiatives lead to women and children's lives being saved, says Olga Persson, chair of the national shelters' women's organization Unizon. 

Gloomy year

Despite the efforts, the result this year so far looks bleak.

12 cases of suspected murders of women are being investigated - during the full year 2021 there were 14.

- It is therefore even more important that all the measures we prepare and push through come into place, says Minister of Justice Morgan Johansson. 

According to Unison's chairman, there is still a lack of support in the municipalities for women to be able to report their perpetrator

- If nothing happens to the suspected perpetrator, it creates a feeling that you are not believed and can not get protection either.

In the municipalities, the protection of women and children is lacking.

Both urgently and in the long term, says Olga Persson.

Sambo stabbed pregnant

A few weeks ago, the verdict fell in one of the 19 cases that have occurred since the government's action program was presented.

Here is an excerpt from the verdict: 

He woke up with a feeling of hopelessness.

Went to the kitchen and got a knife.

Maybe a kitchen towel too.

When he returned to the bedroom, she was lying on her side of the bed.

He thinks he was holding her mouth.

He thinks she tore him on the arm.

Then everything turned black.

He stabbed her with the knife, do not remember how much, but saw that she was injured.

When he left, he was covered in blood.

He went and bought cigarettes and Coca-Cola, then he called the police and reported himself ".

The man was sentenced to life in prison for the murder of his partner who was pregnant with their joint child.

The verdict has not yet gained legal force and can still be appealed.

Are you or someone you know exposed to violence in close relationships?

There is support here.