When the fentanyl sprays disappeared from Karlshamn's addiction circles, the police in Karlshamn discovered that a new drug instead began to fill the void that had arisen.

Today, the painkiller and drug-classified drug Oxycontin has increased in the city, reaching levels of concern to the police.

- Since this is also a drug, which is so highly addictive, it is not likely that it is just a fly that comes and goes.

As fentanyl was, and spice and GHB.

I rather think that the problem with Oxycontin will escalate, says Nicklas Paradis, area police in Karlshamn.

Watch the clip above to follow the police on an investigation into the abuse.

Life is destroyed

In recent years, he has seen how several young adults in the city have gone from being high-performing and well-functioning to having their lives ruined by addiction.

He has found several dead.

And he does not know anyone who has managed to get out of addiction alive.

- We try to motivate them to choose another course.

But it is such an incredibly strong addiction, and the abstinence is so brutal, that I see it as almost impossible to get rid of.

"Can not stop it"

He says that the police have a "decent check" on who are the biggest dealers of Oxycontin in Karlshamn, but that they still can not put a stop to them.

To get someone convicted of a serious drug offense, the police estimate that they need to be caught with upwards of 500 Oxycontin tablets.

- And so many, no salesman wears them, because they have learned that.

So we can report and prosecute brokers, but they do not get enough punishment but can be out and continue pretty soon again.

Will you be able to stop this wave?

- No.

This is a societal problem, and society's ignorance of this issue is great.

It is necessary for everyone to gather strength - both the police and the judiciary, municipalities, regions and politics.