Robert Bergqvist, senior economist at SEB, is not surprised by the US Federal Reserve's sharply raised policy rate.

The expectation picture of a continued increase in inflation must be broken, and this is done by raising interest rates.

- I think we see a herd behavior among central banks and it is simply because the inflation problem is global, everyone is facing this, he says to Morgonstudion.

According to Robert Bergqvist, the Riksbank will also react strongly.

Inflation in Sweden is 7.2 percent when it should be 2 percent.

Therefore, an interest rate increase can be expected here as well. 

- We know that Swedish households will be affected.

"Must manage their interest rates"

A clear result is that housing costs become significantly more expensive.

But according to Shoka Åhrman, savings economist at SPP, this is something that Swedish households will be able to do.

- The calculation on the part of the banks is based on managing your interest rates, she says.

For many, however, it will be a tough time in the future, according to Åhrman.

The consequences will be reduced consumption and reduced savings. 

- It is about managing costs and reducing unnecessary consumption, but also securing their finances in the form of income insurance and income protection, for example, she says and adds that the labor market is still positive.

- The risk of getting rid of our jobs is not yet there.