Victor Pourcher, edited by Thibault Nadal 7:43 p.m., June 15, 2022

A heat wave has been hitting France since the start of the week.

This wave will even turn into a heat wave in 23 departments in the south and center of France.

Faced with these extreme temperatures, the French rush to the shops to buy air conditioners and fans, as in Paris.


This is one of the consequences - as every year - of the heat waves.

The French are flocking to air conditioners and fans to counter the high temperatures.

In this large Parisian appliance store, they were the big stars of the day in the eyes of customers, like for Sonia, for whom this purchase became urgent.

"I have a large apartment, but as I am exposed to the full sun at night, it is very hot, I needed fans. In addition, it had been a while since I had bought one. I had two, but they broke down so I just took two," she laughs.


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Between 30 and 500 euros

To buy a fan, it takes between 30 euros for the entry level and up to 500 euros if you go as far as the air conditioner.

Prices that did not scare Océane: "The fan, there, it is necessary. Especially since apparently it lasts all week. Summer is not over, so it is essential", says- she.

This sudden heat wave had nevertheless been anticipated by the brands, as explained by Saïda, a saleswoman in this household appliance store.

“We had anticipated the heat wave, so the order for the fans had been made a few weeks in advance”, she explains, before adding that “the store had a lot of people all day”.


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This rush is confirmed in the sales figures.

In a nearby store, they were multiplied by 20 in one week.