Good evening,

Marie Lisa Kehler

Deputy head of the regional section of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

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how did you spend your summer weekend?

Grilling on the balcony?

Sip cocktails in the paddling pool?

Our author Mechthild Harting met a woman from Frankfurt who spent Saturday raising a poster in the air.

On it to read: a resignation request to Feldmann.

Hesse's deputy prime minister Tarek Al-Wazir (The Greens), on the other hand, spent his Saturday at the Green party conference - and made it clear that he wants to be at the top of the state.

And so that you don't have to spend as much time at petrol stations in the future, we've asked you to give us fuel-saving tips.

Silent protest against Feldmann: Some protests are not particularly large, not particularly loud.

And yet she manages to draw attention to herself.

The young woman attracted attention with her poster during the Eintracht celebration in front of the Römer.

"Resign Feldmann Now !!!" is written on it.

She does not want her name written publicly.

Nevertheless, she told our editor Mechthild Harting her motives.

It is the story of a citizen who is outraged.

And no longer in the quiet little room, but in public.

About a mayor suspected of corruption who, in her opinion, is damaging the city's reputation.

Anger at the mayor has turned her into a "political activist with no party ties".

The silent poster protest action that drove them to the Römerberg for the first time when they received Eintracht has now become a signature campaign.

She has had 1,000 postcards printed with anti-Feldmann statements for people to sign.

It was only last Thursday that the city parliament decided to initiate the vote-out procedure.

Whether it will be successful also depends on Frankfurt's turnout.

A majority of 150,000 citizens would have to vote against Feldmann, otherwise the quorum of 30 percent of those entitled to vote would not be met.

Until then, the collector of signatures wants to continue taking to the streets against Feldmann, if necessary she is ready "from door to door to encourage the people of Frankfurt to vote".

Al-Wazir wants more responsibility: The deputy prime minister of Hesse wants to lead the Greens in the next state elections and fight for a place in the state chancellery in Wiesbaden.

"I'm burning for this Hessen to become greener and fairer".

He said that at a general meeting of his party in Bad Hersfeld and immediately pushed an announcement to the members of the CDU and SPD.

The time when only the CDU and the SPD fought for dominance in the country is over.

The current legislative period ends after the state elections, which are expected to take place in October 2023.

There will be "a real three-way battle," said Al-Wazir.

Whether he will enter this three-way battle is considered likely.

But sure, as politicians probably know best, is nothing.

Because the Hessian Greens take an example from the federal party.

Before the state elections, they want to nominate a top duo consisting of a woman and a man.