What are the benefits of beard?

What is the best way to take care of it?

What are the myths about the beard that have nothing to do with science?

The answers are in this report.

Beard protects you from cancer

According to a study, the beard may protect against skin cancer, aging and wrinkles, by blocking ultraviolet rays from the sun, and this effect increases as the beard grows thicker.

The study was conducted by researchers from the University of Queensland in Australia, and reported by The Independent and published by Al Jazeera Net in 2017.

The researchers found that the beard protects from 90-95% of harmful ultraviolet rays, which is similar in its work to a layer of sun protection with a protection factor of 21.

And because the sun's rays are a factor in skin aging, the beard helps keep the skin young and delays the appearance of wrinkles.

Also, protection from ultraviolet rays reduces the risk of skin cancer, and the thicker the beard, the more it will block the sun's rays, and thus its protective effect.

Dermatologist Dave Harvey explained that the beard's ability to protect from the sun's rays stems from the fact that the hair is a reflective surface that deflects light radiation.

In contrast, the percentage of protection depends on the density, color and thickness of the beard.

This is according to a report by Dennis Burrito, published by the American "health digest" website.

Beard protects in winter

On the other hand, the website "Twenty for Seven Wall Street" (24/7wall st) indicates that the beard keeps the skin warm under it in the winter.

In this regard, Dr. Jeremy Fenton, a dermatologist, said that the body responds to cold weather by adjusting the position of the hair and making it erect to trap heat near the skin, and beard hair can protect the face from cold winds.

Beard counteracts foreign objects

The writer Burrito reported that thick beards are very effective in protecting against environmental irritants and allergens, such as the mechanism of action of hair in the nose, as the coarse beard hair purifies the dust and dirt that causes asthma and allergies before it enters the nose or mouth and infiltrates the respiratory system.

On the other hand, neglecting to clean the beard on a daily basis creates an environment in which these harmful bodies accumulate and increases the exposure time of the body to their effects.

Indirectly, the beard protects the appearance and health of the facial skin by not constantly exposing it to shaving that leads to skin problems, such as ingrown hairs, razor bumps, folliculitis, or cuts caused by a razor blade hitting any bump or pimple on the face or even dry skin.

Beard delays the onset of aging

The above benefits of beards - such as reflecting the harmful rays of the sun and preventing dehydration - would help maintain youthful skin;

Exposure to the sun leads to the appearance of early signs of aging such as wrinkles.

On the other hand, dry skin causes flaking of the skin and the appearance of fine lines.

In addition, beard hair acts as a barrier to the loss of beneficial, youthful-skin-promoting oils that many wipe off unconsciously by touching their face directly throughout the day.

Beard protects health

Natalia Kozlova - a specialist in dermatology and venereology - says that the beard helps its owner to protect his health, according to the "Russia Today" website, quoting "Novosti".

The doctor added that "a light beard, or even a large beard, is not just an element of elegance or adherence to fashion, but also has beneficial properties for the skin."

According to the doctor, having a beard and chin on the face helps maintain the natural oils in the skin, which in turn keeps the facial skin well moisturized.

"The beard, like any other hair on the skin of the face, reliably protects the skin from direct exposure to ultraviolet rays, and this is an excellent way to protect against cancer," Kozlova said.

Facial hair also reduces sensitivity.

"The hair is a kind of filter that prevents irritants from entering the nose directly from the outside," the doctor explained.

The specialist said that raising the beard helps protect the face from the negative effects of cold air and keeps the skin warm.

"Facial hair purifies the air, which helps maintain healthy teeth and gums," she added.

In addition, according to Kozlova, having a beard reduces the frequency of shaving, which protects against acne breakouts.

"It is important to keep the beard clean, otherwise it will become a breeding ground for bacteria that can lead to certain skin diseases," the doctor said.

Beard protects against infections

"I think beard growth can actually be beneficial for some people, such as irritant folliculitis, bacterial folliculitis and pseudofolliculitis," says Erica Summers, a dermatologist at the University of Utah. "They can all occur in the beard area, and are often stimulated by shaving." , Not shaving removes a common cause of these cases.

Myths about beard

Here are the fallacies about the beard:

Myth: Beard oil makes it grow faster

Fact: There is no magic oil for beard growth;

The way a beard grows depends on a combination of health and genetics factors.

Myth: Rubbing your skin will cause a beard to grow

Fact: Frequently rubbing the skin will irritate the face, which can cause redness and itching, and can increase the amount of “dirt” on your skin by adding whatever is on your hands to the oils on your skin, and this can lead to acne and hair growth. Under the skin.

Myth: Shaving makes the beard grow faster, darker and thicker

Truth: This statement is not true;

Hair growth is not affected by cutting, and its growth depends on other factors such as the nature of the hair and the health of the person.

On the other hand, the benefit of cutting lies in removing the damaged ends, and this is what makes the beard hair appear more dense, so it is cosmetic and has nothing to do with hair growth.

beard care

To have a healthy beard and benefit from its benefits, you must take care of it, through the following:

  • washing regularly

  • Use of shampoo

  • trimming

  • Use a comb or brush to comb and remove tangles

  • Use of beard oil

What are the benefits of beard oil?

The beauty portal "Hot.D" said that beard oil not only takes care of the beard, but also takes care of the skin underneath, according to the German news agency.

The German portal indicated that almond oil has an anti-inflammatory effect, irritation and itching, and is rich in vitamins A, B and E.

Argan oil has a moisturizing effect thanks to its content of fatty acids and vitamin E, it also has an anti-inflammatory effect and works to reduce irritation, in addition to protecting the skin from external influences thanks to its antioxidant effect.

Apricot kernel oil has a moisturizing and soothing effect, and hemp seed oil has a moisturizing effect and works to reduce irritation.

Jojoba oil regulates the production of natural sebum in the skin, while grape seed oil is the ideal ingredient for beard oil in case of allergy sufferers.

Since it does not contain any substances that can irritate the skin.