"The presidential party is defeated," said Sunday Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the leader of France Insoumise and the union of the left (Nupes), calling on his troops to "surge" in the second round of legislative elections.

“For the first time in the 5th Republic, a newly elected president fails to gather a majority in the legislative election that follows,” says Mélenchon, who steps forward a little.

"I call on our people to surge next Sunday"

(sorry for the multitasking capture) pic.twitter.com/v1MnKm2mRv

— Philippe Berry (@ptiberry) June 12, 2022

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"The Nupes comes first, it will be present in more than 500 constituencies in the second round", and "for the first time in the Fifth Republic a newly elected president fails to gather a majority in the legislative election which follows", he added alongside other leaders of the union of the left gathered in Paris.


Legislative 2022: Jean-Michel Blanquer eliminated in the first round in Loiret


Legislative Results 2022: Excluded from the majority, antivax Martine Wonner heavily beaten in Alsace

  • Jean-Luc Melenchon

  • Nudes

  • Left

  • Legislative elections 2022

  • Vote

  • Elections