According to the police, it is now unusual for public sculptures to be stolen for artistic value.

They are most often sold as scrap metal and melted down.

- I checked today's bronze price and it is around SEK 80 per kilo.

The sculpture weighed about eight kilos so it will not be a lot of money, says Eva Larsson.

There are no compiled statistics on how common these thefts are, but according to the Stockholm Police's freight reconnaissance group, about 20 public sculptures disappear every year around the country.

Planning new, more theft-proof track finders

The track fins were stolen in April.

Now Eva Larsson and Uppsala municipality are planning for a new copy of the sculpture, but the edition was limited and the uncertainty of what happened to the stolen copy makes it all complicated.

- I have discussed with my foundry and hope that we will make an even more theft-proof, stronger solution if there is another.

Can the bronze be replaced with other, less valuable metals?

- It will not be the same way because the bronze ages so beautifully with the irritated color.

Other metals may become duller over time.

It is a quality that is lost then, says Eva Larsson.