• Madrid regulations put a stop to ghost kitchens

  • Controversy The neighbors, outraged against the granting of a license to a ghost kitchen: "We are terrified that it starts to work"


That is the feeling of the majority of

the residents of Paseo Imperial

, in the district of Arganzuela, after learning that their area will be included in the modification of the urban planning regulations of the General Plan for Urban Planning (PGOU).

The same does not happen with residents who already have an industrial kitchen nearby and who are not affected by these changes that are not retroactive.

"We can not believe it ourselves!

It takes a tremendous weight off our shoulders

because it allows the area to remain industrial, but the ghost kitchens are limited.

Our fear was not to enter into the new limitations and that kitchens would be established without any control, ”Juan Aresti, president of one of the affected communities, declared yesterday.

The residents of these blocks located between the Paseo Imperial and the Paseo de Melancólicos

were in limbo

, since their land is industrial with secondary, residential and tertiary activity.

The modification of the regulations to put an end to ghost kitchens only affected residential areas.

However, on Monday it was announced that it will also apply to zonal standard 9 (industrial) that falls within residential areas.

In addition, according to Urban Planning sources,

they are also included in the moratorium on licenses for these businesses

, which will be extended until the rule is approved, around the month of February 2023.

While waiting to know the final text that will be published on Thursday, residents are relieved:

"We thank the City Council for being sensitive

to the problems we have in these areas," said Esther Lomas, a neighbor of the neighborhood yesterday.

At the moment, these residents

are already suffering from the fumes from the Cuyna kitchens

on Paseo Imperial, 6 and have filed a contentious-administrative appeal against the license granted by the Consistory to those at number 8 on the same street.

«The Cuyna facilities have a loading and unloading area inside, but

at rush hour the motorcycles do not fit

and you find 25 mopeds on the sidewalk.

The other day I had to go downstairs at 12:30 a.m. because they were cleaning the floor with machines and they were making an infernal noise,” Lomas complains.

The new regulation prohibits ghost kitchens

larger than 350 square meters

, limits their number to eight and includes the obligation that they have loading and unloading areas within the premises.

Transition period

The great victims at this time continue to be the neighbors to whom the ghost kitchens were installed near

before the urban regulations were reformed

, since the changes do not have a retroactive effect.

For this reason, from the Regional Federation of Neighborhood Associations of Madrid (FRAVM) they insist that there be a transition period and that existing facilities be forced to

adapt to the modifications.

«The problem with the regulation is that it does not affect kitchens that are already in force.

It is unacceptable that the 20 kitchens on Calle José Calvo in Tetuán

do not have a car park inside

the plot”, criticizes Vicente Quintana, head of Urban Planning at the FRAVM.

In fact, the residents of José Calvo in Tetuán have the entire street lifted and with works due to the fact that in April there was a deep sinkhole in the road, which the neighbors attribute to the

enormous traffic of vehicles

that these industrial premises have caused.

«We have the road under construction and full of ditches.

When there's a football match, it's crazy

, because people order a lot of food at home.

Last Sunday, when the national team was playing, I counted 52 motorcycles”, laments Julio Pando, one of the affected residents in Tetuán.

The same happens with the fathers and mothers of the Miguel de Unamuno school, in Delicias, who watch with concern how the sidewalk on which their children go to school fills up every day with riders.

According to reports, the traffic has increased after the arrival in these kitchens of the

Vicio hamburger restaurant, of the former MasterChef winner, Aleix Puig


«The way to school

is dangerous

with motorcycles circulating on the sidewalk and on the road in the opposite direction.

We cannot be calm, nor is it the desired school environment, ”censures Noelia Cabezas, mother of two children at the center.

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