The two men in their 20s who were requested to be detained on suspicion of aggravated arson after the fires in Trollhättan have been released.

On Tuesday morning, the prosecutor withdrew the arrest request.

- A wise decision by the prosecutor.

My client is innocent and has nothing to do with the fires.

I have been very questioning as to why he has been detained, says Abraham Zeito, one of the men's lawyers.

Burned in six places

It was during Monday that the men were requested to be detained on the lower suspicion level for the fire on Karlstorpsvägen in Trollhättan, where a former student and refugee residence burned to the ground.

If the planned negotiations in Vänersborg District Court today had come to an end, the men could at most have been detained for a week.

Thereafter, the prosecutor had to assess whether a new arrest request with a higher degree of suspicion should be submitted.

In total, it burned in six different places on Thursday night last week and over 30 cars were destroyed.

SVT Nyheter Väst is looking for the prosecutor for a comment