- The National Heritage Board and the county administrative board have different opinions about the detailed plan and now we will find out who really decides, says Christer Fogelmarck, CEO of Parks & Resorts AB.

Review the national interest in the detailed plan

In April 2020, the City of Stockholm adopted a detailed plan for the expansion of Gröna Lund.

The county administrative board was also behind the proposal, but in May 2021 the Land and Environment Court revoked the decision when the site's national interest was to be investigated.

- We are not against Gröna Lund expanding the parking lot, but the area is being exploited too hard with too high rides, says Richard Murray who is chairman of the Association for the Ecopark, one of several associations that have appealed the detailed plan of the expansion.

Parking will remain if the detailed plan is denied

The issue will be decided shortly in the Land and Environmental Court of Appeal.

According to the CEO of Parks & Resorts AB, which owns Gröna Lund, a no would mean that parking will remain for the foreseeable future.

But if the outcome is a yes, the new part of Gröna Lund can be completely clear in 4-5 years.