They sat with a leisure leader and discussed the election on September 11 when the idea came up.

- We are all three first-time voters, says Bawan.

The statistics showed that turnout in the districts of Skäggetorp, Berga and Ryd was low.

In the video, they tell what they think it is due to.

"Will try to push on young people"

Until the election, they will do several activities - and a big event - to encourage young people to make their voices heard.

- We will try to push young people, that it is important to make their voice heard, says Sara Habane.

- If we have politicians in the town hall who do not make a difference, it is our fault, because we have not voted for those we want, says Malik Ali.

- There are so many young people who have values ​​and opinions, but do not really know how to get out and get there, says Bawan.