It's Pentecost again: You can't think big enough about the Holy Spirit.

Regardless of how many people still associate the Holy Spirit with these holidays and know what Pentecost is all about.

But that's a whole different question.

It is there whether you believe it or not, whether you have left the church or not: "Sleep a song in all things that dream on and on, and the world begins to sing, you just hit the magic word." This is how Joseph von Eichendorff described a not inconsiderable part of what is at stake here.

The point is that trust in God and love of neighbor come into the right relationship to one another: human rights, ecumenism, the United Nations, for example, they are the fruits of events, like all human achievements that contribute positively to the big picture.

But Pentecost also has a counter-history;

it is the Tower of Babel.

Wanting to be bigger than others, privately and on a large scale, is now practiced to the point of madness, not only in the Ukraine: Here, a unifying language is no longer spoken, Babel is imitated.

No pointless health prayers

It is always possible to be different.

When was the last time you felt blissful?

If it was a long time ago, it is important to do something about it now, Pentecost reminds us of this: One must also be capable of joy.

Some people spend their lives re-enacting the tragedies of their childhood and don't want to relearn, as psychologist and author Alice Miller put it.

Hence the clinging, the fear of doing something wrong, which is why it is better to hold back.

But you shouldn't be unhappy at all.

It's not about career and winning the lottery, but about joy, the desire for a more intense life.

This does not result in any senseless prayer for health, real consequences are required: What is on the agenda today, what needs to be done now?

What conflict have I been avoiding for far too long?

Where did I duck?

Who suffers from my closeness?

These are questions that ideally everyone asks themselves, but urgently everyone who bears responsibility, who is in the public eye - and who should pay particular attention to the consequences of their actions.

So it may be that in your previous tenure you were animated by the Holy Spirit comparatively below average, that you cling to something that should be let go, that you have too much desire to continue to be bigger than others, that you don't have parties no longer agrees, no longer builds on anything good, you can no longer communicate with your (political) partners.

Maybe you're worried about your honor.

But Pentecost also says: Honor is guaranteed with God, it gives self-respect - and the courage to do the right thing, to find the magic word, whether in Romans, in your own company or just at home.