China News Service, June 5th, according to the website of the Ministry of Education, in order to do a good job in the prevention and control of the epidemic situation of college students leaving school and returning home, on June 3rd, the comprehensive team of the State Council's joint prevention and control mechanism for the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic proposed to all localities. Clear requirements.

  First, we must strictly implement the requirements of prevention and control policies.

In areas where there is an epidemic, if there is no epidemic in the university, after the implementation of closed management for more than 7 days, students can leave the school and return to their hometown with a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours and relevant certificates issued by the university, and implement a "point-to-point" closed-loop return to their hometown.

College students who meet the above conditions will no longer be quarantined centrally, and will be monitored for 7 days after arriving home. If there is any abnormality, they should report to the local community and the epidemic prevention and control department in time.

All localities should communicate and implement the epidemic prevention and control policies for students leaving school and returning home step by step.

College students who have previously returned to their hometowns can implement comprehensive evaluation and comparison in accordance with the principle of "one person, one policy".

  Second, we must strengthen the care for students.

If the returning students do need to be quarantined, the centralized quarantine fee will be waived in various places.

Strengthen the care and humanistic care of students during the centralized isolation period, ensure room and board conditions, meet necessary needs such as life and medical treatment, and encourage the adoption of warm-hearted measures.

To fully implement closed-loop management, relevant departments and colleges and universities should strengthen coordination and close cooperation to ensure that students return home from school gate to home "point to point" and closed-loop epidemic prevention management.

Colleges and universities should "one person, one file" to formulate information ledgers for students leaving school, strengthen student health education and safety education, and guide students to take personal protection throughout the process.

  Third, we must conscientiously do a good job in service guarantee.

The provincial-level joint prevention and control mechanism coordinates the establishment of a docking and emergency coordination mechanism for the epidemic prevention and control work of college students leaving school and returning home, collects statistics in advance and pushes information on students leaving school and returning home in a timely manner, and dispatches and coordinates in real time to solve emergencies on the way of students returning home.

Colleges and universities in all regions should fully respect the wishes of students and provide life service guarantees for students who choose to stay in school.