Any Israeli soldier can do whatever he likes in the Palestinian territories, but beware that he is tempted to steal 20 shekels to buy a soft drink, as it is immoral and will put him on trial by "the most moral armies in the world", who take such matters seriously. .

In this sarcastic manner, the Israeli writer Gideon Levy commented in an article in the Israeli newspaper "Haaretz" on the absolute impunity that Israeli soldiers enjoy "when they turn into monsters that shoot children, kick old women, shoot dogs at people, and attack the disabled." .

Levy highlighted that the soldiers in this case are seen as the victims, and if it is difficult for one to understand this, then he must realize that they are in any case not guilty, even if they shot the innocent, as they have always and disgustingly repeated, as he put it.

And if so, who is to blame?

The writer asks, to answer that there are those who will say that the blame is on those who sent them there.

Here the writer asks again;

Does that mean military leaders?

But those - according to him - should not be prosecuted for the actions of a guard affiliated with them at one of the gates, "in the end he is just a gay soldier who made a mistake," according to the writer.

So is the blame on politicians?

Levy wonders, if so, which Israeli politician is the current prime minister and defense minister?

To this question, the writer responds with another question;

What do people want from these two officials?

Aren't they also stuck in a situation inherited from their ancestors?

This is what makes the writer refer the responsibility to those who preceded them, saying, "Perhaps the blame lies with Moshe Dayan, or Yisrael Galili, or Yigal Allon, or David Ben-Gurion, or let us return to King David," as it does not seem that anyone will accept to admit responsibility. about these crimes.

Therefore, Levy says, we might assign the cause to “conditions” to “force” to a heavenly matter, since there is no one left to blame.

After the writer exhausted the possibilities of taking responsibility for the crimes carried out by the Israeli army against the Palestinians, he said, "Let's get back to the truth. Israeli soldiers commit serious crimes every day, some of which are very horrific."

Levy highlighted that the Israeli soldiers do not ask about their crimes incredibly, and no one accepts responsibility for anything, you can kill and slaughter and do not worry about the trial, because you are not guilty of whatever you do and no one cares about what you did, as he put it.

This made the writer demand a change in this situation, saying, "It is easy to change the sick value system that currently exists, and this should start with the soldiers, who are the direct perpetrators of crimes."

And just as in the underworld, where there is no leniency with the hired killers sent by others, according to the author, the system of absolute impunity for soldiers working in the Palestinian territories must stop, the lives of Palestinians matter too, and whoever kills these lives with such horrible ease, as So much has happened in recent months, he should be punished, according to Levy.

The writer concluded by saying that issuing long prison terms to anyone who kills a child or shoots a shepherd, causing him a physical disability or killing a journalist, will make the Israeli army change and the security situation will also improve, according to him.