Is Västernorrland well on its way to becoming a hub in the country for the production of green fuel?

- Undoubtedly this is the case, says Magnus Hallgren, division manager at the state research center RISE in Örnsköldsvik.

At RISE, which will help companies find useful solutions, they are currently in the process of starting to build a completely new research lab in Örnsköldsvik.

The goal of being a world leader in the field.

Örnsköldsvik hub in the hub

If the county becomes a hub for biofuels, Örnsköldsvik seems to be the hub in the hub.

- Yes, this is where it happens, Hallberg states.

An example is the Gothenburg-based company Liquid Wind, which this autumn will build right next to Öviks Energi.

The fossil-free ship fuel to be produced uses the smoke from the heating plant's chimney as a raw material.

Several establishments for green fuel

Several larger establishments have been presented - from the investment in green aviation fuel in Långsele to SCA's construction of a biorefinery outside Östrand's pulp mill.

In Alby outside Ånge, the global company RES Renewable intends to build a plant for hydrogen, and in Ljungaverk, in the same municipality, the company Permascand has announced that it intends to start up a research unit connected to the future hydrogen plant.

"Many obstacles on the road"

But not everything is gold and green fuel. 

- There are many obstacles on the way, says Member of Parliament Lars Thomson, (C).

He sits on the business committee and wanted to see the development in northern Sweden with his own eyes.

- The permits take too long and there is a risk of creating bottlenecks, thinks Lars Thomson (C).

Many large investments must be made now at once.