The hashtag "Swedengate" trended at the beginning of the week on social media, after an English-language post about Swedish "dinner traditions" went viral and triggered an avalanche of tweets and memes in its thousands.


And - what is this?

Photo: Facsimile

It is about an alleged Swedish phenomenon that has now had an international impact, and which is discussed, condemned and defended in large numbers of people around the world: That children who have visited Swedes have been forced to wait alone in a separate room, while the family in the house eats dinner.

And even among Swedes, there are different opinions about how common this has actually been.

- Food is socially charged, it is bursting with values, says Richard Tellström, associate professor of meal knowledge.

Follow all the tours around "Swedengate", and how it spread this time - and before - in the video above!