It was at the end of the 19th century that the engineer Gustaf Erikson at Vagn AB in Södertälje was commissioned to develop the first Swedish-made car with an internal combustion engine.

The first version was ready for test driving in 1898 and the maiden voyage took place the same year.

The car never rolled any longer distances and has been in the Technical Museum's collection since 1927.

- This is the first car that remains and can still be used for the first time since the 20th century.

It is an iconic car, the start of modern times, says Christian Stadius, collection manager at the Technical Museum.

Engine enthusiasts did the hard work

The idea to unwind the old car came from the enthusiast group Aros Motorveteraner in Västerås.

For three years, they have spent thousands of hours renovating the car to its former glory.

"In the past, a strong blacksmith was required to start the car"

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Torbjörn Boman from Aro's motor veterans is one of those who renovated the old car.

Photo: Ebba Nilsonne / SVT

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