The crime was committed at a restaurant in Nyköping in mid-March this year.

According to the verdict, there was an irritated atmosphere between the men.

The now convicted man, who is a resident of Oxelösund, stabbed the other with the knife so that it punctured one lung sac.

According to the verdict, the damage was considered fatal.

Claimed attempted murder

The prosecutor demanded that the man be convicted of attempted murder.

But Nyköping District Court reasons differently.

In the judgment, the district court writes that the man was rather intoxicated, that the act was an act of impulse and that it seems to have been preceded by provocation, and that it was only a matter of a stab.

All in all, this means that the district court classifies the act as an attempted murder.

The man is sentenced to four years in prison.

He must also pay damages to the other man of SEK 128,500.