Derlin Newey, an 89-year-old pizza delivery boy from Utah (USA), had the surprise of his life on Tuesday morning, September 22.

The Valdez family, who are among his regular customers, gave him a check for 12,069 dollars (more than 10,000 euros).

This incredible tip corresponds to the amount collected via a kitty in which all the fans of the old man participated.

This is indeed a star on the social network TikTok, says



On the social network, the @vendingheads channel created by the Valdez compiles videos of Derlin Newey's deliveries.

The images highlight the kindness and good humor of this employee of Papa John's, a pizza giant in the United States.

The account is followed by 53,000 people, many of whom wanted to reward the joviality of the delivery man.

89-year old Derlin Newey started delivering pizzas to make ends meet.

He never thought one of his customers would change everything.

Here's our story for @KSL5TV on the delivery he never saw coming.

#ksltv #goodnews

🎥 @JDortz_Photog

— Alex Cabrero (@KSL_AlexCabrero) September 23, 2020

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forced to work

Many Internet users regretted that the American was still forced to work at his age.

The octogenarian has been employed by Papa John's thirty hours a week since social assistance for retirees no longer allows him to make ends meet.

The Valdez family particularly appreciates Derlin Newey and his professionalism and asks to be delivered by the old man with each of his orders.

This time, they reversed roles and went to their favorite employee to give him a check signed by his “TikTok Family”.

"How could I ever thank you?"

“Reacted the person on the verge of tears.

“He needed it.

I'm glad we can help him, commented Carlos Valdez.

It's really important to treat people with the kindness and respect he shows."

Derlin Newey was also offered a t-shirt with the phrase he says with each delivery: “Hello, are you looking for a pizza?



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