The damage to the forest leads to high financial losses for the whole society, the Swedish Forest Agency claims, in a press release.

- We see that the amount of young forest, which is important feed for the game, decreases at the same time as the populations of fallow deer and red deer increase.

This may be an explanation for why we continue to see high damage levels, says Lars Ingemarson, forest consultant and game expert at the Swedish Forest Agency, in the press release.

Reduce the number of deer

The authority considers it important that landowners who have felled forests continue to plant more pine.

However, the increasing proportion of pine has not yet led to reduced forest damage.

Hunters should also hunt more moose and other deer.

The proportion of damaged pine in Östergötland amounts to 15 percent of the pines that are between one and four meters high in young forests.

The worst situation is in Halland with 24 percent damaged pine.