Nathalie Arthaud did not go there with a dead hand.

Passing through France 2, the spokeswoman for Lutte Ouvrière tackled Jean-Luc Mélenchon this Saturday morning, believing that he "rides the workers from electoral illusion to electoral illusion".

"After his defeat in the presidential election, now (Jean-Luc Mélenchon) explains that, finally, he must unite with the Socialist Party, which he vilified, which he has always denounced", a pinned the Trotskyist leader, who came last in the first round of the presidential election.

LO does not participate in the Nupes and presents candidates in all metropolitan constituencies, as well as in Guadeloupe, Martinique and Reunion, "women and men from the world of work, workers, home helpers, postmen, teachers” and people who “struggle between periods of activity and unemployment”, explained Nathalie Arthaud.

And to insist: “There is no careerist, none who is ready to sell his program or his convictions for a place”.

Salaries indexed to inflation

“I do not agree with Jean-Luc Mélenchon, if it is a question of saying that it will be a few more deputies who will protect the world of work.

This is the reason for our presence: the workers must realize the strength they have to change things, by organizing themselves,” she continued.

"The future of the world of work depends on the struggles that we ourselves will be able to lead," she insisted, defending in particular the indexation of wages to inflation.

She criticized in passing Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who revised upwards the increase in the Smic he advocates, to 1,500 euros net monthly: "It will be exceeded in a few months".

“We are in a boat that is taking on water from all sides, which is sinking and there we are talking about: “Is there not a captain who knows how to navigate a little better? “, she added, advocating instead to “challenging those who dominate, those who speculate today, those who make our pockets”.

Nathalie Arthaud will hold two meetings this weekend in Presles, in the Val-d'Oise, on the occasion of the "Festival of Workers' Struggle".


Legislative 2022: La Nupes presents its "Robin Hood" plan for purchasing power


Legislative 2022: Jean-Luc Mélenchon wants to put an end to the "solitary exercise of the power of a single man"

  • Elections

  • Nudes

  • Legislative elections 2022

  • Jean-Luc Melenchon

  • Nathalie Arthaud

  • Labor Struggle (LO)

  • La France Insoumise (LFI)