Ukraine's President Zelensky will give an online speech on the 23rd at the World Economic Forum, where leaders from the world's political and business circles will gather to maximize sanctions on Russia for business owners and government officials. I appealed to do it.

In this, President Zelensky said, "The main theme of this year's Davos meeting is'the whereabouts of policies and business strategies at a historical turning point', but this was a major turning point for the world. It's a moment when it's decided whether or not will be ruled. "

"We should give maximum sanctions so that Russia and all other potential invaders trying to wage a brutal war against their neighbors can clearly see the consequences of their actions." He urged Russia to maximize sanctions, including an embargo on Russian oil and a suspension of trade.

In addition, President Zelensky called for further support from Ukraine, which has continued to resist Russia even three months after the military invasion, and after the speech, the participants gave a big applause. ..

Global business people support Ukraine

Business people from around the world who listened to President Zelensky's speech at the venue heard support for Ukraine.

A woman attending on behalf of a bank in Costa Rica in Central America said, "Withdrawal from the Russian market and maximum sanctions are not easy, but now is the time to do it. Otherwise, this will set a precedent and again. The same thing could happen. "

A Lithuanian business person said, "We have withdrawn from business in Russia. We cannot support this war."