• Cycling saw a 12% increase in April, following a 21% increase in the last quarter of 2021.

  • "There is a real cycling effect which for the moment does not stop" rejoices the Vélo Cité association.

  • Defenders of cycling are now impatiently awaiting the first deliveries of the Réseau Vélo Express (ReVE), the first developments of which are due to start this year.

An increase of +21% in the fourth quarter of 2021, which is confirmed in 2022 with +12% in April (compared to April 2021).

The practice of cycling in Bordeaux metropolis continues to increase in power, observed since 2016.

“This figure of + 21% in the last quarter of 2021 is indeed impressive, but we remain cautious because it can also be explained by the somewhat particular period that we have known, between confinements, teleworking, analyzes Florent Coignac , head of the active modes department in Bordeaux Métropole.

The mobility of people has been a little upset, with a drop in the use of public transport in particular, ”he continues.

“We could double, or even more, the number of cyclists”

Florent Coignac, however, confirms an upward trend for several years, "which can be partly explained by the policies undertaken in this area, with more and more developments, such as bus lanes shared with bicycles on the boulevards , and the calming of neighborhoods which makes people feel safer.


For the Vélo Cité association, these figures confirm “a fundamental increase”.

“There is a real cycling effect which for the moment does not stop, assures Benoit Gilliot, coordinator within the association.

It is explained by the consequences of the Covid crisis, and the climatic imperatives which also come into play.

There is, however, a huge reserve of cyclists: we could double, or even more, the number of cyclists in the metropolis, but for that we need facilities where people do not ask questions, where there are no conflicts, and where a child can ride without the parents being distressed.


270 km of Express Network by 2030

This is where the metropolis released its ReVE card, Réseau Vélo Express.

Composed of fourteen structuring and secure axes, this plan should allow the development of 270 km of cycle paths by 2030, "among which we estimate that around a quarter is already in place and satisfactory, half must be improved, and a quarter is not equipped at all,” says Florent Coignac.

Operational phases have already been launched for two axes, Bordeaux-Parempuyre and Bordeaux-Artigues, “on which there are already a lot of existing or planned developments.

A delivery of these first two axes by 2024 is envisaged.

For the other twelve, a major programming study will be carried out in 2022 to prioritize the lines, which should be delivered between 2025 and 2030.

"We have to put the means, as we have been able to do for the tram"

The associations are eagerly awaiting this scheme.

“The challenge is colossal with work that will cross the entire metropolis, explains Benoit Gilliot.

We must not be afraid to embark on substantial work in terms of crossings, with tunnels, bridges... We must provide the means, as we have been able to do for the tram, knowing that there is no of a bicycle network that can be put in place without having to constrain the car, whether in the traffic lane or in the parking lot.


Florent Coignac warns, however, that “we cannot bet everything on the ReVE” precisely because we “cannot create facilities of 1.5 m to 2 m of traffic per direction everywhere, except to strongly constrain the car.

» Which does not mean « that nothing should be done » where there will be no express network.

“We can put quality cycling facilities in the neighborhoods.


Bordeaux Métropole is aiming for a modal share of 18% of cyclists

If Vélo Cité obviously strongly encourages these developments, the association remains vigilant.

“We are always on the alert, because there are still aberrant projects coming out at the moment, such as at the end of the future Simone-Veil bridge on the left bank, with a route that forces bicycles to turn around to cross, laments Benoit Gilliot.

At Euratlantique it's the same, we see projects delivered that are worthy of the early 2000s, or even earlier, with interruptions and posts everywhere.


This does not prevent the practice from progressing.

Bordeaux Métropole is aiming for an 18% modal share for cycling by 2030, compared to 14% in 2021, while it aims to reduce the car share from 50% to 33% at the same time.


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