In the pasture at the home of Britt-Marie Berg and Lars Berg in Bjurå outside Luleå, four western horses are munching on hay.

This is also the first spring day that Britt-Marie can go out in the horse paddock in a bare sweater.

And she takes the opportunity to groom a couple of the horses that have rolled in mud.

- They shed some hair.

Even if the worst is over.

It will probably last for a few more weeks, she says.

Moves in or builds your own home

In the distance you can hear some reindeer springs that sound calm at the same time as the forest is filled with birds chirping.

She collects some of the hair which she then takes with her.

- Some we bring in and use to embed in the birdhouses.

Then we also leave some behind so that the small birds themselves can pick up material when they build their nests, she says.

On some pines behind the house there are some colorful, freshly painted birdhouses that have also been set up.

Do you get any idea if they like their accommodation?

- One has at least moved in so it is a plus in the edge.

Do not complain about the wool beds

They do not complain about the bedding?

- No, not yet (laughs).

I do not hope so.

It is the finest wool.

What do the animals mean to you?

- The animals have always meant a lot to me.

The animals are so personal and have so much heart and soul.

They give so much of themselves.

To us humans, says Britt-Marie Berg.