Janine Wissler wants to remain chairwoman of the Left Party.

With another candidacy at the party conference at the end of June, she wanted to make a contribution to the renewal of the left, Wissler told the German Press Agency on Saturday.

The "Tagesschau" had previously reported on the planned return of the left boss.

"I'm very happy to be party leader and I still have a lot planned," Wissler told the dpa.

There is "both the potential and the need for a left-wing party," she emphasized.

"We have it in our own hands and I would like to make my contribution with the renewed candidacy." At the end of June the entire party leadership is to be re-elected at a federal party conference in Erfurt.

The decision had been in question, especially after the difficult electoral defeats of the left in Saarland, Schleswig-Holstein and North Rhine-Westphalia.

The resignation of Wissler's co-chairman Susanne Hennig-Wellsow a few weeks ago and allegations of sexual assault within the party had recently plunged the left into a deep crisis.

After Hennig-Wellsow's resignation, Wissler initially stated that she wanted to continue running her party alone in the future.

It remained open, however, whether she would run again for the presidency.

Wissler had previously not mentioned her candidacy during an appearance at the state party conference of the left in Hanover this Saturday.

However, she was optimistic about the future prospects of her party.

"The situation is serious, but not hopeless.

We have it in our own hands," said Wissler on Saturday at a state party conference of the left in Hanover.

Wissler said there was potential for majorities for left-wing politics.

The left is not stuck in the hole of five percent or below.

To do this, she must emphasize her topic of social justice.

It remains unclear whether the left-wing faction's commissioner for the East, Sören Pellmann, will also run for the federal presidency at the end of June.

Like Wissler, Pellmann had announced that he wanted to announce a decision on this in the coming days.

From the party headquarters it was heard on Saturday that Pellmann's candidacy was not yet known.