Alexandra Rojas Nordqvist lives in Västerås and is in her second year of the community program at Jensen gymnasium.

She took a course in Young Entrepreneurship at school with her friend Sandra Cejer and then had thoughts of doing something for her mother's homeland Bolivia with the environment in focus.

Presented the project to the European Parliament

But having ideas was not enough, Alexandra wanted solid advice on how to think about the environment globally and therefore contacted Greta Thunberg.

- I looked her up in Stockholm and told her about my project.

It was an energy exchange and she recommended me to contact some people to move on, says Alexandra.

With these tips in mind, Alexandra presented her Young Entrepreneurship (Uf) project to the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

The idea she is working on now is to build a school in the city of Yanacachi, a small town outside Bolivia's capital La Paz.

The school will be built of eco-bricks, a technology that involves the use of plastic bottles and other things that are intended to be thrown away, but instead recycled.

Will collect 140,000

The cost of building the school is estimated at SEK 140,000 and Alexandra says that they have come halfway so far.

The company has a website and is available on social media for those who want to follow the school project's journey.

Hear Alexandra tell you more about the project clip above.