In order for as many people as possible to be able to participate, the concert will be arranged during two different evenings in August, where up to 10,000 people can be accommodated per evening.

In addition to the concert, a book will also be produced that documents the employees' experiences of the pandemic.

However, employees in the region that SVT spoke to are divided on the initiative.

A person who works in healthcare says, for example, that she would have preferred to receive a gift card or similar, so that you could have chosen what you want to do for the money.

The person also believes that salaries are too low and is therefore skeptical of the million investment.

Hear the chairman of the regional board, Emilie Orring (M), respond to the criticism in the clip.

Want to see higher wages

Anne Renstål, who works temporarily in the region on a consulting assignment, is more positive, but would have liked to have seen further investment in staff salaries.

- I think all the efforts you make for the staff are very positive.

But of course, if you had to decide, you would of course want them to raise their salaries, she says.