Today, Wednesday, the social and care committee in Linköping decided on additional resources for the area team.

The decision means that there will be an additional 2.5 full-time employees this autumn.

This means that the fields can now work more towards different districts, as was intended from the beginning.

But there are still significantly fewer resources than one would have hoped for because there had been talk of five new fields.

- It is not enough.

Therefore, our proposal is to get twice as much so that you can employ five people for the area team, says Lotta Bäckman (S) who is in opposition in the social and care committee (see fact box).

"Tables doubled"

- We think at least that it should be doubled but also that the area team's mission should be clarified and delimited in a way so they have a reasonable chance to carry it out.

Then we need to strengthen all the agencies that they hand over to, such as the social services and crime prevention group, says Maria Moraes (MP) who is group leader for the environmental party in Linköping and is also in opposition.

Social services move to Skäggetorp

The majority also make an investment in Nära socialtjänst Skäggetorp, ie that part of the social service moves out of the city to Skäggetorp.

It is also emphasized that the area team should work more with young people who are at risk of having or having a criminal lifestyle.

"We see an increased need to strengthen around the area teams, therefore we see the expansion on the authority and the execution side in Skäggetorp as equally important in our long-term security-creating work," the moderates' political secretary writes in an email to SVT.