How do you greet new people now that the pandemic is not as intense?

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7 min

much •

I tie my hand and the one I greet does the same and a light blow to bone is enough for me not to take in hand

7 min

Diana •

I am sensitive to how the other person wants to greet, for me it is perfectly ok to take hands.

It's almost worse when you do not know how to greet today, to reach out or not.

Very hard!

Especially now at the new job, many new people who need to be visited but each person is unique and has their own opinions on whether it is ok or not to take in hand.

That must be respected.

7 min

Edgar •

Is the pandemic really over?

I would like to continue with elbow greeting or similar for a while longer.

Mouthguards and rubbing alcohol and keep your distance.

I neglected a weekend in April and that meant (very likely) covid-19, albeit with very mild symptoms, Will get my fourth dose today!

8 min

Lena •

Says Hello, but no hugs or handshakes…

8 min

Ellen •

I never stopped hugging and shaking hands, but I ask before out of consideration.

8 min

uy •

What after the pandemic?

It's still going on!

I continue to keep my distance.

Of course.