- We have cameras aimed at the pumps but not at the tank, but that is something we are looking at now, says Charlotte Holmstrand, environmental project manager at Cirkel K who runs the petrol station.

In connection with the theft, fuel was leaked via Himleån into the nature reserve on Getterön.

It has affected birds that have been smeared with diesel and died.

One report of environmental crime and one of aggravated theft were made, but both preliminary investigations have now been closed.

The police have no trace of any suspect.

- It is unfortunate but unfortunately - sometimes we do not find the perpetrator, says Monika Ivert, group manager for environmental crime in police region West.

The consequences are being investigated

IVL Swedish Environmental Institute is now investigating the consequences of the diesel leak.

Samples are taken on both bottom sediments and fish in Himleån.

The safety at all Cirkel K's truck stations is strengthened and an internal investigation of the incident has been started.