The survey was conducted on Novus' own initiative.

According to the latest survey, 58 percent of Swedes say yes to NATO, 23 percent say no and 19 percent are insecure.

The measurements are made weekly.

- Now a clear majority of Swedes are in favor of membership in NATO.

Last week's survey pointed in this direction, but now it's confirmed.

Magdalena Andersson said that she felt safe with the Swedish people behind her.

This survey clearly confirms for the first time that this is the case, says Torbjörn Sjöström, CEO of Novus

Men more positive

The survey shows that men are more positive towards NATO, 69 percent say yes, compared to women where the yes side is at 46 percent.

A trend that has also persisted over time.

- It is a fairly typical difference.

Women tend to be more hesitant and men more categorical, it can be seen in almost all surveys, says Torbjörn Sjöström.

The support is also slightly higher in the big cities compared to other parts of the country.

- What can be said in general is that all parts have gone up a bit and that the support has been strengthened, says Torbjörn Sjöström.

More doubtful in the north

According to him, people in Norrland have been more hesitant about NATO over time.

In the latest survey, 40 percent say yes to NATO membership.

In the area of ​​Småland, Öland and Gotland, support has fluctuated back and forth, according to Novus surveys.

In the latest survey, just under one in two, 46 ​​percent, say yes and 39 percent say no.

- Gotland has been a central part of the discussion.

Maybe you feel more exposed because it is such a strategic position, says Torbjörn Sjöström.

Five NATO terms to keep track of

  • What is AWACS?

    27 sec

  • What does Article 5 mean?

    19 sec

  • What is the NATO Council doing?

    34 sec

  • What is the North Atlantic Treaty?

    18 sec

  • What does "NATO" stand for?

    19 sec