Liberal Democratic Party lawmakers are calling for full verification of the government's goal of turning the primary balance into the black in 2025, saying that setting a deadline should not hinder flexible policy response. I summarized.

After last year's House of Representatives election, members of the LDP have set up a "fiscal consolidation promotion headquarters" for members who place importance on fiscal consolidation, while members of the active fiscal group have set up a "fiscal policy review headquarters" to continue discussions. I am.

On the 17th, the "Fiscal Policy Review Headquarters" of the active fiscal group summarized the recommendations to the government.

The proposal calls for a thorough examination of the fiscal situation, stating that the government's goal of turning the primary balance into the black in 2025 "should not prevent flexible policy responses by setting a deadline."

On the other hand, in the discussion at the headquarters, there was an opinion that a new index is necessary so far, but the proposal states that "primary balance is an important index", and to the members who emphasize fiscal consolidation. It is also considered.

Shoji Nishida, a member of the House of Councilors, said, "It's not good to be told that there is a conflict within the party, so I made it quite calm."