"The woman of challenges" headlines the economic daily Les Echos, Daniel Fortin noting in his editorial the continuity shown by the president by opting for this technocrat from the left wing of Macronie.

"Her techno profile, which brings her closer to her predecessor Jean Castex, suggests that the articulation of power between the two heads of the executive will remain very similar to what has been at work for two years, namely a very strong concentration of real power at the Elysée", analyzes the newspaper.

A reading shared by the majority of newspapers the day after an appointment which will have taken three weeks.

La Croix describes it as a "choice of efficiency" on its front page, accompanied by a photo of the smiling minister, files under her arm.

"His appointment to Matignon seems perfectly logical," says Jérôme Chapuis in his editorial.

For the daily, this is "a confirmation: Emmanuel Macron does not intend to change his way of exercising power in the five-year term which opens".

Le Figaro looks to the future, listing the "projects" that await Ms. Borne if her appointment is made effective.

"She will have to carry out difficult reforms, including that of pensions, without provoking the anger of the social body", writes the newspaper.

"Social Break"

This social body, Humanity, for its part echoes it.

"Social damage to Matignon", asserts its front page.

for the communist daily, the pill of unemployment insurance reforms, and especially pensions, has not passed.

"The real head of government is at the Élysée Palace. The Prime Minister is only there to carry out her will. The only surprise can now only come from the legislative elections, with the prospect of a victory for the Nupes", the New popular ecological and social union of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, ensures the daily life.

Regional newspapers have opted for sobriety.

La Dépêche title: "Elisabeth Borne Prime Minister";

The Ardennais: "Elisabeth Borne at Matignon" and the Telegram: "Prime Minister", with a simple photo of the polytechnician.

Ouest-France remains on this same line.

If the reactions on his record as Minister of Labor are divided, the press agrees on one thing: the appointment of a woman is welcome.

The Midi Libre sees it as a "choice of reason", and is delighted with "the installation of a woman in Matignon".

"While regretting, above all, a 31-year wait since Edith Cresson, which says a lot about political practices in this country".

In an interview with the Journal du Dimanche on May 15, the first woman to hold this position castigated a macho political class in France.

The concern can also be read in the pages of Liberation: "Unfortunately, the question is (...) not whether Elisabeth Borne will one day suffer a sexist slip, but when...".

The daily stresses that this appointment remains "a political non-event".

L'Opinion is also severe and underlines France's delay in the promotion of women "while five countries of the European Union are led by women, Angela Merkel remained more than sixteen years at the head of the Germany, which Margaret Thatcher ruled Britain with an iron fist for more than eleven years".

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