Europe 1 SEASON 2021 - 202206:00 a.m., May 17, 2022

According to INSEE, 800,000 French people are faced with dependency today, and probably more than a million in 2040… Suffice to say that its financing concerns us all.

How much does accommodation in a nursing home cost?

Are there aids to finance the loss of autonomy?

Should I take out long-term care insurance?

Jean-Philippe Dubosc discusses this difficult, but oh so important subject, with Jean-Manuel Kupiec, adviser to the general manager of the joint body of pension and provident institutions (OCIRP).

"All about your money" is a Europe 1 podcast produced in partnership with

Presentation: Jean-Philippe Dubosc

Director: Victor Naulleau

Producer: Marc O. Grünfeld

Graphics: Jérémi Cousin