To be allowed to marry in Sweden, both parties must apply for a so-called obstacle test with the Swedish Tax Agency.

In April 2022, almost 35 percent more people applied compared to the year before, and the increased number is also noticeable at party venues and other industries that have to do with weddings.

In Lynn Candika Trygg's shop with wedding dresses and costumes in Borlänge, the work goes to high pressure.

- I work very early mornings until very late evenings and try to have time to eat and sleep a little to be able to help customers, she says.

Want a bigger wedding

During the pandemic, the number of wedding customers in Lynn's store declined, although they did not disappear completely.

Some chose to have simpler ceremonies when you could not invite so many guests, but now she sees a trend of more who want to hit big.

- There is a bubbling undertone of longing.

It's great to see.