Pierre de Vilno SEASON 2021 - 202220h22, May 15, 2022

Two hours of information, guests and live debates to take stock of the weekend's news.


Dag Sebastian Ahlander

, former Swedish consul in Leningrad from 1989 to 1992

Philippe Ballard

, regional councilor for Ile-de-France, RN spokesman and candidate in the 2nd constituency of Oise

Frédéric Dabi

, Managing Director Opinion of Ifop

Monsignor Matthieu Rougé

, bishop of the diocese of Nanterre, live from Rome

Alain de Mendonça

, president of the Karavel-Promovacances group and Voyages FRAM

Thierry Orsoni

, communications director of Club Med 

Jean Viard

, sociologist and co-author of "L'an zero du tourisme" (Ed. de L'Aube in co-edition with the Jean Jaurès Foundation, to be published on June 2)