According to Region Skåne's CFO Lars-Åke Rudin, the medical record system has so far cost just over SEK 1.6 billion.

Hear Regional Councilor Annette Linander (C) comment on the cost in the clip above.

The digital healthcare system that would simplify record keeping in Skåne has been delayed several times and is not expected to be up and running until five years after the original plan.

One of the problems is the system's handling of Skåne's sensitive patient data, which violates Swedish and European law.

The region remains positive

Despite the problems and delays, Annette Linander (C), 1st Deputy Chairman of the Regional Board with responsibility for digitization, remains positive about the system.

- What is the alternative?

Do we spend it now then we have paid to no avail.

We need this tool and there is no other system that we see can be in place by 2025.

Will it cost more than you thought?

- It will probably do so because we need to have more staff involved longer, but as I said it is a matter of negotiation.

We will see in the end what this will cost, says Annette Linander (C).